Yamaha Conservatory C7 grand piano
Hammond B3 (1966) Upgraded with Trek II DI, Low Out, Upper/Lower Manual inserts
Leslie 122
Fender Rhodes Vintage Suitcase '73
Wurlitzer 200A
Yamaha Motif XF8
Roland Juno DS61
Behringer DeepMind 12 Synth
Komplete Kontrol S61 Smart Keyboard Controller
Roland A-100 Midi controller
MOTU MIDI Timepiece AV Interface
Emagic AMT 8 MIDI Interface 8x8 (x2)
E-MU E6400 ULTRA/Expanded
Gibson Les Paul Junior P-90 pickups
Fender Telecaster
Fender Stratocaster
Yamaha SA2200 Semi Hollow
Gretsch Electric Hollow Body Guitar
Fender '72 Precision Bass
Fender Precision Special
Fender Aerodyne Bass
35th Anniversary StingRay 5 5-String Bass
Tobias Fretless 5 strings bass
Radulovic, Macedonia Hand Made 5STR Bass
Martin Acoustic Guitar
Sigma Martin Strung Nashville
Alvarez DY-4012 12 string Acoustic Guitar (Johnny Cash Played and Signed)
Marshall 2055 Silver Jubilee (Black) '88 100/50W
Marshall 2055 Silver Jubilee Reissue 50/25W
Marshall Super LEAD 100 MKII Vintage Head
Marshall 4x12 Vintage angled with V30 made in England
Marshal Straight (bottom) Vintage '72 4x12 Cabinet
Fuchs ODS Head, Vintage, One of the first made
VOC AC30 Vintage ('67)
Fender Super Reverb '67
Fender Twin Reverb, Black Face '67, Vintage
Fender Pro Reverb '72 Vintage
Fender Deluxe '65 Vintage Blackface
Fender Vibro Camp '67 vintage Blackface
Fender Reveb Type: PR 263 Tube Spring Reverb
Ampeg JET J-20 Point To Point
Ampeg JET II J-12T
Ampeg SVT Black Line Vintage
Ampeg SVT 8x10 Cabinet
Ampeg BN-15 Flip-Top
Ampeg V4 Bass Head
Ampeg SVT 8x10 VINTAGE 1973 Cabinet
Ampeg SVT-2x12AV
Mesa Boogie Big Block Titav V-12 (x2)
Mesa Boogie 4x10 Power House Bass Cabinet
Epifani AL112 Bass Combo
Drums and Percussion:
Gretch Broadkaster SET: 18", 20" and 22" Bass Drum", 10", 12"(x2), 13", 14" and 16" Toms, 14x6.5" matching snare
Ludwig 70's SET 22" and 24" Bass drum, 12", 13", 14", 15", 16" and 18" head size Toms
Pearl Masters Birch Shell 22"Bass drum x 2, 10", 12", 13", 14" and 16" head size Toms
Vintage Yamaha Recording Custom 22" Bass drum, 10", 12", 13", 14" and 16" head size Toms
Other Drums and snares:
Pearl Omar Hakim Signature Snare 13"x5"
Pearl Steve Ferrone Signature Snare 14"x6.5" (x2)
Canopus Custom 14x5.5" Brass Snare
Ludwig Black Beauty, Tube lugs
Ludwig Vintage Snare Supersonic 6.5"
Ludwig SVintage nare Supersensitive 5"
Ludwig Vintage 1970's 14x10" snare
Ludwig Wood Piccolo Snare 13x3
Mapex 6.5 14" Maple Snare
Paiste, Zildjan, Sabian Evolution Cymbals
Gibraltar Rack Drums Hardware and extra stands
LP Classic Conga and Tumba Natural finish
LP Classic Bongo set
Lots of tambourines, shakes and other noise makers..